Oudtshoorn, 20 February 2024 – The Oudtshoorn Municipality is pleased to announce the release of the preliminary valuation role for all properties within its jurisdiction. Notices containing the new valuations have been dispatched to property owners as part of the comprehensive valuation process initiated last year.
Objection Lodgement Period: Property owners who wish to raise objections to the new valuations are encouraged to submit the relevant objection forms on or before 01 April 2024. Detailed information on the objection submission process is outlined in the Municipal notice that property owners have received.
Viewing of Preliminary Valuation Role: The preliminary valuation role will be available for public viewing at Municipal offices in Dysselsdorp, De Rust, and Oudtshoorn from 01 March 2024 until 1 April 2024.
Legal Compliance and Renewal Cycle: It is essential to understand that Municipalities are legally obligated to renew valuation roles every five to seven years. The valuation process is undertaken by professional external consultants and considers various factors, including property sale prices and the number of properties sold in different areas.
Property Taxes and Rate Revision: Municipalities are further compelled by law to calculate property taxes based on the latest valuation role. Property taxes are determined using a formula at a specific rate. The Greater Oudtshoorn Municipality is committed to reviewing and potentially decreasing the current rate used for property tax calculations. The revised property tax rates are scheduled to be implemented from 01 July 2024.
Regulatory Compliance: We want to assure the public that all prescribed regulations, as mandated by law, are being meticulously followed throughout this valuation process.
Contact Information: For inquiries and further information, please contact the Municipal Valuator via email at geswindt@oudtmun.gov.za.
The Greater Oudtshoorn Municipality values the cooperation of property owners in this important process and appreciates their understanding of the necessity for periodic valuation updates. Together, we ensure the fair and accurate representation of property values within our community.
Oudtshoorn, 20 Februarie, 2024 – Die Oudtshoorn Munisipaliteit kondig graag die vrystelling van die voorlopige waardasierol vir alle eiendomme binne sy jurisdiksie aan. Kennisgewings wat die nuwe waardasies bevat, is aan eiendomseienaars gestuur as deel van die omvattende waardasieproses wat verlede jaar begin is.
Beswaar indieningstydperk: Eiendomseienaars het nou geleentheid om besware teen die waardasie van hulle eiendomme aan te teken en word aangemoedig om die betrokke beswaarvorms voor of op 01 April 2024 in te dien. Gedetailleerde inligting oor die beswaar indieningsproses word uiteengesit in die Munisipale kennisgewing wat eiendomseienaars ontvang het.
Besigtiging van voorlopige waardasierol: Die voorlopige waardasierol sal beskikbaar wees vir publieke besigtiging by Munisipale kantore in Dysselsdorp, De Rust en Oudtshoorn vanaf 01 Maart 2024 tot 01 April 2024.
Wetlike nakoming en hernuwingsiklus: Dit is noodsaaklik om te verstaan dat munisipaliteite wetlik verplig is om waardasierolle elke vyf tot sewe jaar te hernu. Die waardasieproses word deur professionele eksterne konsultante onderneem en neem verskeie faktore in ag, insluitend eiendomsverkooppryse en die aantal eiendomme wat in verskillende gebiede verkoop word.
Eiendomsbelasting en tariefhersiening: Munisipaliteite word verder deur wetgewing verplig om eiendomsbelasting op grond van die jongste waardasierol te bereken. Eiendomsbelasting word met behulp van ‘n formule teen ‘n spesifieke koers bepaal. Die Groter Oudtshoorn Munisipaliteit is daartoe verbind om die huidige koers wat vir eiendomsbelastingberekeninge gebruik word, te hersien en moontlik te verlaag. Die hersiene eiendomsbelastingkoerse is geskeduleer om vanaf 01 Julie 2024 geïmplementeer te word.
Reguleringsnakoming: Ons wil die publiek verseker dat alle voorgeskrewe regulasies, soos deur die wet vereis, noukeurig gevolg word deur hierdie waardasieproses.
Kontakinligting: Vir navrae en verdere inligting, kontak asseblief die Munisipale Waardeerder per e-pos by geswindt@oudtmun.gov.za.
Die Groter Oudtshoorn Munisipaliteit waardeer die samewerking van eiendomseienaars in hierdie belangrike proses en waardeer hul begrip van die noodsaaklikheid van periodieke waardasie-opdaterings. Saam verseker ons die billike en akkurate voorstelling van eiendomswaardes binne ons gemeenskap.