Die jeug-vleuel van AfriForum se Mosselbaai-tak het die afgelope naweek (3 Augustus) die inisiatief geneem om jongmense oor wapenveiligheid te…
World Heritage Site activation celebrates Cradle of Human Culture
On Sunday, 4 August 2024, Premier Alan Winde and Provincial Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Ricardo Mackenzie, hosted an…
Two Western Cape sites lining up for World Heritage status this week
This week, the 46th Session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee will deliberate on whether two Western Cape sites achieve…
AfriForum stig Danabaai-buurtwag
AfriForum se Mosselbaai-tak het op 12 Junie ’n buurtwag in Danabaai gestig. Die nuwe buurtwaglede sal opgelei word om binne…
Point High School are SWD u\19 Super League champions
Point High on Saturday has won the SWD u/19 Super League on Saturday after they defeated the Bridgton Hub in…
Só lyk Mosselbaai-tak se nuwe bestuur
Die AfriForum-tak in Mosselbaai het Dinsdag (27 Februarie) nuwe bestuurslede tydens ’n gemeenskapsvergadering verkies. Flip Buys, voorsitter van die Solidariteit…
Port entry status enables the port of Mossel Bay to clear international cruise passengers
[Mossel Bay, 03 January 2024] On 03 January 2024, the Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) working alongside the Border Management…