Upgrading of Louis Fourie Rd commences

A project to upgrade sections of Louis Fourie Road in Mossel Bay has just started and road users and the general public are requested to exercise caution over the next nine months in the vicinity of the construction sites.

mbmunThe project involves the upgrading and widening of the Essenhout Street and Schoeman Street intersections as well as the Marsh Street interchange.

Provision will be made at the Essenhout Street intersection for the planned future connecting road from the Bill Jeffery Drive and Grunter Road intersection. Two new bus / taxi stops will be constructed at each of the Essenhout Street and Schoeman Street intersections. Traffic lights will also be installed at these intersections.

The planned completion date for the project is mid-December 2016. Louis Fourie Road is a provincial road and enquiries must be addressed to the Western Cape Roads Department. The civil contractor is Asla Construction.

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