George Municipality Addresses Low Water Pressure Issues in Heather Park and Surrounds

George Municipality is aware of the ongoing low water pressure affecting the Heather Park, Kingswood, and Golf Park areas. Recently, the Municipal water team, in collaboration with Cllr Erika Brown, the Ward Councillor for the area, held a meeting with residents to address these issues and provide updates on the situation.

The low pressure, typically experienced between 07:30 and 11:00, is believed to be caused by a faulty valve in the network and increased water use during this timeframe. According to Tahseen Raiman, Manager of Water Distribution at the Municipality, the low pressure is not due to the installation of pressure management devices in the water network. “There are no pressure management devices installed in Heather Park and surrounding areas,” she clarified.

Efforts are ongoing to restore water pressure to acceptable levels. “George Municipality teams have been inspecting and repairing faulty valves in the Heather Park area. These inspections and repairs on the supply lines feeding Heather Park are ongoing,” Raiman added. “A pressure logger will also be installed in Heather Park to enable continuous pressure monitoring.”

The Municipality remains committed to resolving this issue promptly and will continue to keep residents informed of any progress.

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