George Municipality is pleased to announce the Thembalethu Node Development Project to create a vibrant and sustainable community hub in Thembalethu. This initiative branded “Ilisolethu” (which means, “Our Eye”, in IsiXhosa), aims to attract new investments and stimulate economic growth in the precinct area along Nelson Mandela Boulevard (NMB), including the Thembalethu Central Business District (CBD).
Thembalethu is a very densely populated suburb of George and has been identified as a priority investment area in the George Municipal Spatial Development Framework (MSDF) 2023, amongst other areas such as Blanco, the George CBD, Pacaltsdorp and other investment focus areas. The Ilisolethu Precinct area is an area within Thembalethu classified as a mixed-use node where services and opportunities for all the residents of Thembalethu should be facilitated. The development area includes areas around the Thusong Centre, along Nelson Mandela Boulevard, from the N2 to just past 26th Avenue and available land between Nelson Mandela Boulevard and Ngcakani Road.
According to the Executive Mayor of George, Jackie Von Brandis, the Ilisolethu Project aims to promote social, economic, and residential development, and stimulate urban regeneration through investment projects. “This initiative seeks to uplift the community of Thembalethu while creating a unique space for residents and visitors alike. Some key benefits of this project include socio-economic opportunity, fostering of human potential, and creating a better, more accessible space for communal interaction and usage,” Mayor Von Brandis said.
In partnership with the National Treasury, George Municipality has thus initiated the Thembalethu Node 1 Development Project to attract new investments and stimulate economic activity in the area. The appointed service provider, Cadre Connect, drafted an Investment Strategy, an Area Management Strategy and identified 11 Investment Project Packages.
Ward 13 Councillor Simphiwe Toto and his Ward Committee have branded the precinct “Ilisolethu” and supported the development of a brand logo. Several workshops with councillors, the ward committees, municipal departments, and key stakeholders have been held to identify potential projects and gather feedback, which advised the initial Development Plan.
The Development Plan (Investment Plan and Area Management Strategy) has subsequently been adopted by the George Municipal Council and the Neighbourhood Development Partnership Programme team from the National Treasury. Funding to initiate phased project implementation has been unlocked and the process to identify and engage investors will now commence.
The Ilisolethu precinct includes the following eleven projects:
Project 1: Nelson Mandela Boulevard Multi-Purpose Identity Route
This project aims to redesign and upgrade Nelson Mandela Boulevard to improve traffic mobility and support public transport. It will also create a pedestrian-priority space, support Small, Medium, and Micro Enterprises (SMME) traders, and increase open spaces through pocket parks.
Project 2: Ilisolethu Interchange Gateway Development
This development will provide economic opportunities through factory outlets and add residential options, creating a mixed-use, live-work-play node. It will serve as a landmark feature at the entrance of Thembalethu. High-density residential development opportunities will also be created.
Project 3: Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Village
The project aims to create a high-density, mixed-use activity core supporting economic opportunities and housing for working-class adults and students. The BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) intent aims to bring job opportunities to Thembalethu by creating spaces where third-party vendors or service providers can offer support functions for large corporates.
Project 4: Dlabs, SafeHub Facility and Call Centre (Old Hospital / Clinic)
This precinct will address community needs through community-based solutions, including the establishment of a Safe Hub in partnership with the Development Bank of South Africa (DBSA) and Amandla. The intension is also to foster economic development and job creation, which will extend beyond support and training and will include a call centre. The Dlabs facility will also link to the development of sports initiatives and will include the construction of an artificial turf soccer field and sport-support facility on the Thembalethu Sports field as part of Project 7.
Project 5: Inkcubeko (Embark in Knowledge) Youth and Science Centre Extension
The Centre plans to expand its services on additional Council land to include science and educational programs, additional classrooms, a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) laboratory and an exhibition centre.
Project 6: SMME (Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises) and Recycling Hub
This project will develop a trading space for trade in the vehicle industry and urban manufacturing and service trades, incorporating a recycling facility.
Project 7: Park Run and Trim Park Recreation Route
The recreation route will integrate the area through a 5km recreational route for Park Run events, supporting a weekend market facility, upgrading of the existing sports field and multifunctional public open space.
Project 8: NMB Multi-Purpose Public Open Spaces
This project aims to formalise two areas zoned for open space purposes into active parks and community spaces, and to redevelop encroaching informal settlement areas into micro-flat developments.
Project 9: NMB Sports Node
The sports node relates to an undeveloped section of land along Nelson Mandela Boulevard and the development intent is to provide additional sports and recreational facilities, supporting community services and SMME trading facilities.
Project 10: NMB SMME Trading Areas
This project will establish integrated and well-designed trading spaces, supporting the livelihoods of local traders.
Project 11: Multimodal Transport and Social Cluster
The cluster will serve as a concentration point for social and community services, integrating non-motorized- and public transport modes within the sub-precinct design
The George Municipality secured funding from the National Treasury through the Neighbourhood Development Partnership Programme to initiate the technical investigation stage. The project aims to facilitate economic opportunities that are inclusive, create high-quality public spaces, and link funders to catalytic projects that will benefit Thembalethu residents and entrepreneurs. Funding for implementation will be sourced from various tiers of government and from private sector partners.
A workshop with all ward committee members and various engagements with all Councillors in Thembalethu has been held. An Interim Area Management Committee, including relevant Municipal Departments, has been established. The positive support of all role players is crucial for the implementation and sustainability of the project components.
The aim is to roll out the project over a 5-year period, subject to the availability of funding and commitment from investment partners, and, once completed, this groundbreaking regeneration initiative will be a valuable asset to the community of Thembalethu and benefit the entire region.