George Municipality Enhances Safety with Peace Officer and Warden Training Programme

The George Municipality’s Land Invasion and Law Enforcement officers are undergoing a Peace Officer and Warden Training course from 3 to 29 June 2024. This course is presented by the City of Cape Town’s Metro Police Services Training & Development Programme to Seventeen (17) Community Safety staff in training consisting of land invasion and law enforcement officers.

Front row from left: Lee-Anne Meiring (Senior Manager: Community Safety), Verona Botha (Officer), Daniellia Laws (Officer), Adrian Jansen (Officer), Adam Roelfse (Officer) and Cllr Marais Kruger (Portfolio Councillor for Community Safety)
Middle Row from left: Curtley Joseph (Officer), Nathan Jonas (Officer), Ashely Joseph(Officer), Fadiel Luiters (Officer), Andre Baartman (Officer), Juandre Prins (Officer), Xoliswa Zokoza (Officer) and Roland Hardnick (Inspector)
Back Row from left: Charwin van Wyk (Officer), Jan Adams (Officer), Africa Mpembe (Officer), Heinrico Standers (Officer) and Wyatte Crowley (Officer)

According to Lee-Ann Meiring, the Senior Manager for Community Safety in the George Municipality, this training will allow the Municipality to appoint more Peace Officers with powers to enforce by-laws. “The training is certified and covers three main areas: Professional Conduct, Peace Officer & Warden Training, and Point Duty.

This training will allow the Municipality to appoint more Peace Officers

At the end of the course, the trainees will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the role and functions of a peace officer and traffic warden,” said Meiring.

Training consisting of land invasion and law enforcement officers
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